"Fear is the enemy of learning" - Karen Pryor
My positive training blog - www.TrainPositive.blog
YouTube - www.youtube.com/trainpositivedog
T-shirts and more - www.zazzle.com/positivedog
Dove Lewis Emergency Veterinary - www.dovelewis.org
NW Veterinary Specialists Emergency -
Multnomah County Animal Services - www.multcopets.org
Clackamas County Dog Services - www.clackamas.us/dogs
Oregon Humane Society - www.oregonhumane.com
Positive training information and supplies - www.clickertraining.com
Custom fit muzzles - https://www.trust-your-dog.com
Books about all things dog - www.dogwise.com
Agility stuff - www.cleanrun.com
Keeping Your Home Clean and Pet Friendly: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners
The Pixie Project - www.pixieprogect.org
Golden Bond Golden Retriever Rescue - www.goldenbondrescue.com
Their mission is to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them.
Synergy Veterinary Behavior - www.synergybehavior.com
Animal Behavior Clinic - www.animalbehaviorclinic.net